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Thursday, January 6, 2011


I try not to set resolutions for the new year.  They just get broken and then I am disapointed in myself.  I try to do MY best and live well.

Today I opened my Title Nine clothing magazine and it hit me!  START....

One word to live by....loved the authors motto so much, I wanted to share.  The beauty if this word, you can apply it to anything!  

Start: Something
Stop: worrying

Start: Living
Stop:  waiting

Start:  Exercising
Stop:  dieting

Start:  Trails
Stop: treadmills  

Start:  NOW
Stop: procrastinating

Start:  Breathing
Stop:  smoking

Start:  Doing
Stop:  planning

Start:  Simple
Stop:  complicated


Missy Park, Founder of Title Nine

I am going to START tonight.  Going to a group meditation with my personal trainer.  I haven't done this before, but am excited about the experience.  

(It's not just about is a state of mind!  START with what makes you happy!)

My new word....START!


  1. Lisa-I so needed this right this very second. You seriously don't even know. I'm going to make it my new word too. I think I'll get it in vinyl and put a big old reminder of it somewhere on my wall to remind me everyday. I'm going to make my own start/stop list too....after meditation tonight. Can't wait for it.
