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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More on dairy....

I will start by apoligizing for no pics....they changed blogger on me the middle of my post!  So this post will require you to read....

Since we have given up dairy in our house, a lot of family and friends have questioned our motives.  I continually hear "what about your calcium?",  "where are you getting your vitamins?",  "kids need milk fat", and  "we like our milk."

I hear what you are saying, but these are all things we have been told by the people that market dairy products.  I found a very interesting website that simply breaks it down for us.  In fact most of the information I am finding is much the same...check it out and it might enlighten you....DAIRY.

Since I am pretty sure a lot of you won't visit the link I have included a few bits of information that may leave you wanting a little more info...


How does this impact humans who consume cow's milk and dairy? Obesity (over 50% of Americans and rising), heart disease, cancer, allergies, digestive problems, diabetes, asthma, desensitization to antibiotics, behavioral problems, and the constant ingestion of dioxin's, herbicides, pesticides (and anything else the cow eats that is not good for any critter), that winds up getting stored in HUMAN fat... is not healthy by any measure.

Those who resist believing the truth should understand that MOST of the world's population CANNOT tolerate the lactose in cow's milk. Up to 95% of the black population, around 53% of the Hispanics, etc.) So much for cow's milk being "natures perfect food" for humans! Mother nature knows better.

Common sense question: Where was this massive "milk is a must" before refrigeration, pasteurization and mass transportation? Back when cows gave only 1-4 pounds a day it was quickly made into BUTTER and cheese! Now that those same cows have been tweaked and shot-up with Posilac to produce up to 55 or more pounds of milk per day... almost all year long... it is suddenly (after many thousands of years) a daily "staple". NOT!


Whole milk 49% of the calories are from fat.
"2%" milk 35% of the calories are from fat.
Cheddar cheese 74% of the calories are from fat.
Butter 100% of the calories are from fat.

Most folks suspect that butter is all fat. Most folks have no concept of the just how much fat is in the rest of milk and dairy. Perhaps the 54% of Americans who are obese need to comprehend that milk, ice cream, cheeses, yogurts, and all the OTHER products that use milk derivatives (casein, whey, lactose, colostrum) are most likely a significant cause for their weight and health problem.

Calcium? Where do the COWS get calcium for their big bones? Yes... from plants! Eat your veggies folks!!!!  The calcium they consume from plants has a large amount of magnesium... necessary for the body to absorb and USE the calcium.


Milk can be thought of as "liquid meat" because of its high protein content which, in concert with other proteins, may actually LEACH calcium from the body. Countries that consume high protein diets (meat, milk and dairy) have the highest rates of osteoporosis.


87% of milk is water. That makes it VERY expensive water.

The Sims are still eating meat (in case you are wondering), LOTS of veggies, fruits, nuts and whole grains.   We also take our vitamins everyday and get SUNSHINE!!!! We are still adjusting to a no dairy diet too.  It is hard to give up old habits, but we feel much better!

Disclaimer:  I feel the need to share more information with you about why we cut dairy from our diets.  It is yet another processed food that I believe could really be contributing to our very diseased society.  I feel this is right for me and my family.  I am not telling anyone what to do.  If you drink milk, that is your coice.  


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Please contain your dogs!!!

When I am running down the sidewalk, enjoying the fresh air, the sunshine, listening to my music and minding my own business the last thing I need is Fito running after me, bearing teeth, drewling and barking like a mad DOG!!!! 

I fear for my life, even if they are small, and who knows what they are capable of!!!

Please...for the love of GOD....contain your dogs!!!!  Even if you don't think YOUR dog would hurt a fly, I don't know that.  

If I happen to kick your dog in the face and he comes running to you with his tail between his legs...shame on you for not keeping him contained.

Thank you!

P.S.  I am not a dog hater, but based on some personal experiences I don't think animals can always be trusted.  

Monday, April 26, 2010

Playground in our own backyard...

Yippie!!!  We have a playground!  Our friends were getting rid of their old playset and I am not to proud to say...we'll take it!  The girls love it and Ryann and I just enjoyed a little picnic up top.  

Thanks Mike and Amy!!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

In training

It is cold outside today and Grace said she wanted to get a little exercise after school.  She asked if she could hop on the tredmill for a few.  I said sure (supervised only)!!!  Thought she looked kinda cute and glad to see my excersise habits are wearing off.  I know she would rather be outside riding her scooter with friends.  Wearing my ipod was a bigger thrill then the tredmill. 

New bedroom

After about 4 or 5 weeks of waiting...impatiently...I have my new bedroom furniture!  Yeah me!  (I guess it's Derek's bedroom too:-)

I think I posted a picture of the new bed back in November.  So here is the bed with the new bedside tables. And the new chifferobe  sits opposite the bed.  I am planning on new paint and new bedding to brighten the room a little.  All the dark furniture and the brown is really dark.  But, after along wait for some new furniture, the redecorating is coming along....along with all that spring cleaning.

Where is the warm weather!!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Half marathon results

We did it!!!!  2 hours and 28 minutes.  Derek finished a second before me (I was 1st last time).  We finished our second half marathon!!!! It was an awesome day and we had a lot of fun.  Our running time was a little slower than our first half last summer.  We walked a little and paced ourselves with my running group for the first hour then we decided to push ourselves and run the rest.

I had to borrow these photos because I am still waiting for all of the pictures from my running friends.  My training really paid off...3 days out and I am not sore.  I feel like I could do it again tomorrow.  Derek is doing ok, but still having a little trouble walking.

I promise I am not ignoring all my blogging friends, but full time mom/wife/training my butt off(and my boobs!) hasn't left me a lot of computer time.  I am reading, but not doing a lot of commenting.  SORRY!!!!

I spent about 2 hours pulling weeds today before the next storm hits.  Now I have to get the inside of my house clean!!!  Yikes.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A little inspiration...

I am sorry you haven't heard much from me this week.  Along with all of my motherly duties I have been physically and mentally preparing to complete a wonderful journey tomorrow.  For the last eight weeks I have been training with an amazing group of women for the Salt Lake City half marathon.  This is my second half, but this time I am so ready run the race!!!

If you would have asked me a year or two ago if I could run 13.1 miles I would have laughed in your face!  I would have told you I could barely run around the block.  I started running to get in shape and hopefully get my sugars under control.  I was struggling.   I was registered for this race and wanted to complete my race feeling good in my body.  I knew I couldn't do it alone....  That is when I met my trainer Angela.  She is awesome!!!!  With her support and the support of all the runners (whom I will introduce you to when I post the race) I am so excited to run tomorrow.

My goal is not to break any records, maybe not even beat the time of my last race, but to cross the finish line.  I am stronger and healthier then ever.  I am an athlete!  

Derek has not been training with us, but he has been training and will run too!

Can't wait to cross that finish line!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Potty training...

Ryann is almost 3 and has been tinkering with the idea of peeing in the potty full time for a while...well, I am out of diapers and ready to make the jump.  I think she is too!  She has been peeing on the potty all day and pooped too!  (you moms all know what a big deal that is for the first time!)

Big day for us!  

1st Place for Grace

Grace participated in a speech festival at school on Friday and one 1st place!!!  The kids have been learning poetry in class and they had to choose a peom from their ciriculum.  She choose "Catch a Little Rhyme" by Eve Merrium.  There were only 5 finalists in the class.  They were judged on memorization, speech articulation and actions.  Grace was wonderful!

I have a video, but am having trouble with my blogger.  Will post as soon as I can...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No more dairy

What?  (Unlce Steve...I know you are so proud!)

Yes, we are making the switch to healthier choices for our family.  I haven't been eating dairy for the past seven weeks.  CRAZY!  Not really.  I can't say that I miss it.  It will take a little adjusting for everyone, but I find it to be a psychological adjustment because it is drilled into our head we NEED it to survive!

Well, I am still alive...eating well, taking my vitimins and feeling better then ever!!!!  I am learning how to cook with out it (interesting).  But, I know we will be better off because of the change.

So what do we eat instead?  Almond milk.  YUMMY!  My whole family loves it.

And I have been using Coconut oil on the girls toast and for other cooking.  THEY LOVE IT! It is a healthy fat!  Not like our good old friend butter, that adds no nutrtional value to our diet.  Anyway...

If you want more information check out this website on milk.

**No hateful comments please.  I am not telling anyone not to drink milk if that is your choice.  I am not an animal rights activist either.  I am just merely offering up information for healthier choices.  I believe that we, as a country, are more diseased then ever before.  I think when it comes to our health, looking into the food we eat is a good place to start.  


Happy belated Easter!  Hope everyone had a nice holiday.  We had a great day because no one was sick that day!  The Easter bunney was also very good to us!

Grace got a new wii game that she can dance to.  The girl has some serious moves (I'll post later)!
 Ryann got the new Alvin and The Chipmunks movie.   It is hit around here!

We went to church as a family.  That was nice for a change and Ryann actually sat still (for the most part). 

Then Derek took the girls outside to fly their new kites.  It was a chilly day!

Jerry and Dalton joined us for a prime rib dinner that evening.  It was my best prime rib yet!  Accomponied by some rockin' mashed sweet potatos, roasted veggies, and a yummy fruit salad.  

Dalton received a gift for her upcoming 50th birthday, so she brought it over to share.

I broke my no alcohol rule for a day for a glass of this yummy champagne!  We toasted to Dalton and to our joyous Easter day!  Thank you for sharing your gift and the holiday with us!

Spring break 2010

I would really like a do-over of last weeks events!  Every other day someone came down with a stomach bug (24 hour virus) that made for a miserable spring break.  Everyone but me had a version of the little beast.  Not to mention our weather was very unpredictable-snowy and cold.  Typical for this time of year...

We still tried to make the best of things.  Grace and I enjoyed a day of skiing at Solitude last Friday.  Spring skiing under blue skies.  A highlight for the week!

Saturday morning the girls went on an Easter egg hunt at our church.

It was fun, a little crowded, but they came away with some good treats!  Then Derek had to go home because he wasn't feeling well...

So, I took Grace to a birthday party for one of her friends.  They had a special visit from Patch the dog, a mascot at the rec center.  Then they had a good time swimming all afternoon.

Grace is back to school this week, but when it warms up we are going to sluff and go somewhere warm and tropical!  And no one is allowed to throw up!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Spring...

Or is it a winter wonderland?  We were having such nice weather, but this is Utah and we are back to winter...again.

Grace is on spring break this week.  We were going to head south and go camping, but due to a little stomach virus for Grace on Tuesday and a snowy weather forecast we decided to stay home.  We are making the best of it!  Plan on doing some skiing this weekend...fresh powder!  Need I say more....

Yesterday the girls and I were busy in the kitchen.  We died our Easter eggs and made princess cupcakes.  It was a great way to spend a snowy, spring day inside.

By the way...tried the tie dye easter egg kit...what a freakin' mess!!!!  You have the wrap egg in this little cloth,  the put it in this little plastic holder with special holes to shoot the die onto the egg.  Not meant for little people without motor skills and they need to work on the design of the egg holder!  Looks cool, but not worth the trouble!!!! Stick to the good old solid colors!  

The girls have also been watching their new favorite movie over and over and over again....

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!!  Grace is acting it out and playing with her new imaginary friends from the movie.  Remember doing this as a kid? I sure do!  Wore that GREASE video right out....