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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Spring...

Or is it a winter wonderland?  We were having such nice weather, but this is Utah and we are back to winter...again.

Grace is on spring break this week.  We were going to head south and go camping, but due to a little stomach virus for Grace on Tuesday and a snowy weather forecast we decided to stay home.  We are making the best of it!  Plan on doing some skiing this weekend...fresh powder!  Need I say more....

Yesterday the girls and I were busy in the kitchen.  We died our Easter eggs and made princess cupcakes.  It was a great way to spend a snowy, spring day inside.

By the way...tried the tie dye easter egg kit...what a freakin' mess!!!!  You have the wrap egg in this little cloth,  the put it in this little plastic holder with special holes to shoot the die onto the egg.  Not meant for little people without motor skills and they need to work on the design of the egg holder!  Looks cool, but not worth the trouble!!!! Stick to the good old solid colors!  

The girls have also been watching their new favorite movie over and over and over again....

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!!  Grace is acting it out and playing with her new imaginary friends from the movie.  Remember doing this as a kid? I sure do!  Wore that GREASE video right out....


  1. Yah.....Welcome to bipolar Utah!!!! ARGH!!
    Glad you and the girls are having fun spending the days making Easter stuff :)

    We saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang last year at Capitol Theater. You HAVE to take Grace if it comes back this year. She will LOVE it!!!!

    Hope the Sims family has a "hippity hoppity happy Easter"

  2. I FREAKIN LOVE Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Cannot wait to watch it with them and Grease too! Oh youth, where have you gone?
