I took the pledge!!! I took 30 seconds and signed Oprah's No Phone Zone Pledge. Although we have no personal tradgedy, thank God, that has caused me to do this, we live in a state that has only banned texting while driving. I checked the box that says "I will not text or use my phone while I am driving. If I need to use the phone, I will pull over to a secure location."
I believe the car is no place for a phone. With kids, radio and other crazys on the road, there are enough distractions. While running the other day I looked up to see a car headed for me. The guy was texting!!!!! He looked up from the phone, yanked on the wheel and almost rolled his car to get straight back on the road. We all know how that could have ended.
It is your choice if you want to pledge, but at least think about the use of the phone in your car. Isn't your safety more important then the person on the other end of that phone? We all have voicemail:-).
So glad to see you've done this! I did a couple months ago and wish that everyone would. I can't tell you how often I see idiots driving like they are drunk and then once I get up to them I see they are texting.