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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back in the swing of it!

This is a picture of Grace...not me, but pretty much sums up the way I have been feeling at the end of each day since school started last Monday.  That is why you haven't heard from me! My day begins somewhere around 5:30 a.m. and by 9:00 p.m. I am toast!

My goal this week is to get my shit together  (grocery shopping is already done,) and then I will have time to blog and everything else.  

Still have some fun vaction pictures to share and first day of school has come and gone.  Stay tuned....bare with me while adjust to running around like never before.  Wouldn't have it any other way!


  1. Aunt Lisa will you please get your shit together.

  2. That is the funniest pic.....I feel the same way Lis!!!!
