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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Don't mess with my mimi!

Ryann LOVES her blankets.  She calls them her mimis (pronounced me me).  There are two.  The "star mimi" and the "over (I think she means other) mimi. She has to sleep with them and tote them around the house.  Once in a while she sneaks them OUT of the house for a field trip, but I don't encourage that.  They get too dirty and I have an issue with kids and their dirty little vices. 

Derek took the kids somewhere the other day and she snuck out her "over mimi".  You can see by the look on her face she really needed it by her side that day!  Pretty darn funny...these kids.


  1. This picture is so funny. I can relate with you. Elliott only has one so when we can't locate's drama! Lucky for you that she has two. Always a good idea to have a spare.

  2. picture says it all! too cute!
