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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Utah Arts Festival

We went to the arts festival in downtown Salt Lake last weekend.  The art was ok, but expensive... so, we didn't get anything special this year.  The kids were our entertainment!  They were begging to have their faces painted.  Grace has done this before, but it was Ryann's first time.
She wasn't so sure what to expect...

but, she sat patiently and went along...

Let the transformation begin!

Every minute or so she would glance over and give me this look...I suspect she was thinking, "I don't really want to do this."

Grace was happily transforming....

  Taa daa!

We have a butterfly!  Not the prettiest butterfly, but the cutest face...still wondering what in the heck was going on...

And a pink bunny!  We decided she looked more like a cat, so CAT it is!

Ryann was shocked when she looked in the mirror.  I think she scared herself.  About 15 minutes after the painting was done she began to smear it like a mad woman.  She did not like it.  Next time we will try pink or purple.  I have no idea what the lady was thinking, but orange and yellow didn't work for her.

Our pink bunny kitty was happy as pie all night...of coarse.  She is pink.  Her favorite color!

After dark we headed over to the stage and listened to Cadilac Sky, a blue grass band.  Pretty darn good!

With smeared orange and red makeup, Ryann really found her grove!

Then she grabbed the camera and took some pictures of the rest of us enjoying the music.


Me, with Grace's new bow and arrow (Dalton in the back ground)...

And, Grace who was desperatly trying to get us to take her home.  She was tired!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cutest lil' butterfly and bunny/kitty I've ever seen!!!!

    What night did you go????

    Tracy, Paula and I were there Friday...we watched the band "Purdy Mouth" lol!
