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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Scholarship Award

We received a note home from school the other day requesting our attendance at a merit assembly and Grace would be recognized for her special accomplishments this year.  I had no idea what the award would be, but figured it might be spelling.  Grace is an excellent speller and has 100% on her spelling tests all year.

Little did I know....

Grace received a $500 scholarship toward her tuition for next year!!!!  We are so proud of her.  The awards were given to the students who scored 99% or better on the standardized testing.  A little over a handful from Grace's class scored that high!!!!

Grace has come a long way since last August.  She started the school year knowing the basics...ABC, 123, and she could write her name....but now she is amazing.  She can read (about a 3rd grade level), tell time, add, subtract, count money, and she is a fabulous artist!!!!  She has been studying science, geography, and careers.  She is still interested in being a cowgirl, but we don't have a horse sooooo...
My favorite thing is her singing.  The girl can sing up a storm.  Here is a sample of her class singing America the beautiful.  I promise a solo soon.  It will knock your socks off.

I could go on and on, but want to give a special thanks to her wonderful teachers.
This is Mrs. Moll
(and Grace's friend Jonna)

and this is Mrs. Van Ness.

They are amazing women who have done amazing things with theirs students this year.  We are so lucky to have them.  They have created a great foundation for Grace's future.  
And,  I will give myself a little pat on the back for being her supportive and loving mommy (and daddy too!!!!)  who faithfully reads with her every night and helped with all that homework!!!


  1. Good job, Miss Grace! Lisa, I have so much catching up to do over here! Love the new look. Don't you just love the new site for backgrounds?! Be back to catch up soon... as you know, I've been a bit busy lately! Ha! Thanks for all your help. You're a life saver!

  2. GRACE!!!!!! That is so amazing!!!!


    Good job Lisa and Derek. You are doing a great job with those two young ladies!
    Proud of you all!!! $500 goes a long way!

    p.s. loving the new look of yer blog! nice change
