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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day travels to a wedding in the country.

We hit the road for memorial day weekend to go to my cousin Megan's wedding in Montana.  About 10 miles down the road it starts....Ryann says "Are we there yet?"

"NO!!!!" I say.  "Please don't ask again."  It is a twelve hour drive. YIKES!  She asked again...a lot!
We turned on a movie and I put on my headphones for a little peace with myself.  We made it safely to Idaho Falls and stayed the night.  

It was a very rainy drive, but we managed to get a quick walk in by the falls Friday morning before we hit the road.  It was so beautiful!

Then we drove up through the Gallatin National Forest (near yellowstone) to the big state of Montana!  The Gallatin is a beautiful place if you are looking for a quiet getaway!

We managed to see some wildlife on our drive!  A moose with her babies.  (You have to look close because the babies really blend in behind the trees.)
Megan and Mike's wedding was on Saturday.  Megan was a gorgeous bride!  In true country fashion they left the church to ride downtown in a horse drawn wagon.  So impressive to see those big horses.  My girls were in awwwww!

And let the dancing begin.....
Mike and Megan started off with the first dance...
and a little cake in the face, but he was gentle.

Aunt Eileen, Grandma Dorothy and I had a nice time catching up...

 Grace waited patiently for someone to ask her to dance.
Ryann got to dance with her new favorite cousin, Liam.  They became good buddies over the weekend!
Chad and I...

Curtis and Danielle (soon to be married in July)...

Ryann let Liam dance with his girlfriend Heather, but just once I think...
So great to see him celebrating after his battle with cancer!  You're awesome!

Mike, Chad and Kevin singing a little Johnny Cash.  They were pretty good...or maybe it was the beer?

Mother and father of the bride, Uncle Bert and Aunt Anita...
And this is probably my favorite picture of Megan with all her brothers dancing!  

(left to right) Chad, Devin, Kevin, and Jared...

Megan, Jared's wife Julie and I kicked our heals up a little too!
And little Claire (Jared and Julie's daughter), the flower girl, had it.  She curled up in the corner on her nap mat and went to sleep.

And that is where this story ends.  We hung out with my family on Sunday and left after dinner to make the long trek home.  No rain this time, thank goodness.  We had a great trip.

Contrats again to the bride and broom!  Wish you the best!  Thank you for the fun weekend.


  1. Looks like a fun and beautiful wedding in beautiful country. Long car rides with kids=HELL. What did our parents ever do without portable DVD players? I really think there are very few things better than sticking my ear buds in, blasting my music,tuning EVERYONE out and just letting the music takes me where it wants to.......

  2. Oh...what a fun wedding!!!!! Hey, you know it's a good time when you've over drank beer and over ate fried foods!!!
    Love your dress. I can see why you were excited to wear it.
    Glad you made there and back safely....deaf from turning up your earbuds music, but safe :)

  3. The wedding was so much fun and it was so good to see you all. We have loved looking at the pictures you posted - many times! Could you either email them to me or post them on Megan and Mike's Shutterfly page ( with the password mmhobbs) or send me a cd? I love the picture of megan and her brothers dancing. It was so good to see you! I am so glad you came!
    Aunt Anita
